Monday, April 27, 2009

Symptoms and Signs of Mesothelioma

Asbestosis and mesothelioma have symptoms that make it hard to distinguish the signs of asbestos disease from the signs of hundreds of other respiratory illnesses. Monitoring your symptoms can help you recognize when the signs of your symptoms start flashing “get medical attention now” because asbestosis or mesothelioma are on the way.

Asbestosis and mesothelioma are both diseases which can be attributed to asbestos exposure. Although some of their symptoms and signs of disease are similar, there are fundamental differences. Asbestosis is a lung disease, referred to as “pulmonary fibrosis” in medical fields. Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer. Asbestosis can develop into mesothelioma. Anyone who has a history of working or living with asbestos is at risk for either disease, and is also seven times more likely to suffer from lung cancer.

There are symptoms of the disease that are familiar to many heart and lung diseases. For example, swelling at the tops of fingers and toes from an accumulation of excess blood is called “clubbing.” This is a familiar sign of heart disease or lung disease, and particularly in diagnosing asbestosis.

The most noticeable first symptom of asbestosis and mesothelioma is difficulty breathing. Obviously, this is a symptom of a plethora of diseases and a result of many normal human activities. For smokers, smoking is likely the cause of difficulty breathing. Smoking and asbestos are a deadly combination, and diagnosis of the disease is far more difficult when a person has a history of smoking. However, there are some notable signs that difficulty with breathing is a suspect for asbestosis or mesothelioma, rather than due to smoking. The breathing difficulties will become notably progressively worse and will be wrought with frequent spasms. The difficulty in breathing then leads to chest pain for asbestosis and mesothelioma patients.

Pain in the side of the chest and the lower back while suffering from progressive difficulty breathing is a symptom of Mesothelioma. Symptoms are more severe than asbestosis. High fevers, muscle weakness, and sensory loss are signs that the cancer has attacked the chest or even the abdominal area – and coughing up blood is not uncommon.

Asbestosis and mesothelioma symptoms and signs of disease are so common to other instances of lung disease and heart disease, that diagnosis often requires a long series of tests to distinguish the respiratory symptoms from one disease to another. Providing a history of asbestos exposure to your physician can help the physician prioritize the tests based on the most likely contributors to the cause of your symptoms. Asbestosis and mesothelioma both require substantial medical care as the diseases progress. Although there is not a cure for either, pain can be monitored and reduced with early diagnosis. If you’ve been exposed to asbestos, even from decades ago, monitor your symptoms and make an appointment with a physician if you begin having the symptoms of asbestosis or mesothelioma. A symptom is a sign of disease - and any signs of asbestosis or mesothelioma should direct you to get the medical attention you need to lessen your pain before it gets any worse.

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